Academic Resource
Semester December 2020
Lecture Note
Chapter 1 [Posted 08.03.2021 9.42AM]
Chapter 2 [Posted 29.03.2021 7.00AM]
Karnaugh Maps - Rules of Simplification [Posted 04.04.2021 8.43]
Chapter 3
Concept of Graphs [Posted 12.04.2021 2.37PM]
Path and Circuit (Practice)
Euler Path/Euler Circuit (Johannes) [Posted 21.04.2021 7.27PM]
Hamiltonian Circuit - shortest length (Najmi) [Posted 21.04.2021 7.35PM]
Hamiltonian Circuit - shortest length (Macximillian) [Posted 22.04.2021 7.38PM]
Euler Circuit (Izzat) [Posted 21.04.2021 8.36PM]
Hamilton Circuit (Syafiqah) [Posted 21.04.2021 8.51PM]
Hamilton Circuit (Suhaila) [Posted 22.04.2021 7.56PM]
Euler Path/Euler Circuit (Nicol) [Posted 23.04.2021 6.26AM]
Concept of Trees [Posted 22.04.2021 8.00PM]
Minimal Spanning Tree (Practice)
MST (Suhaila) [Posted 03.05.2021 10.19PM]
MST (Johnathan) [Posted 04.05.2021 3.53PM]
Chapter 4 [Posted 22.05.2021 7.28AM]
Chapter 5 [Posted 08.06.2021 5.12PM]
Lecture Video
Lecture 1 [Posted 08.03.2021 4.57PM]
Lecture 2 [Posted 09.03.2021 3.55PM]
Lecture 3 [Posted 16.03.2021 6.55AM]
Lecture 4.1 [Posted 16.03.2021 11.05PM]
Lecture 4.2 [Posted 16.03.2021 11.07PM]
Lecture 5 [Posted 22.03.2021 9.52AM]
Lecture 6 [Posted 23.03.2021 1.52PM]
Lecture 7 [Posted 25/03/2021 11.47AM]
Lecture 8 [Posted 29.03.2021 9.39AM]
Lecture 9 [Posted 30.03.2021 3.06PM]
Lecture 10 [Posted 02.04.2021 5.37PM]
Lecture 11 [Posted 02.04.2021 9.49PM]
Lecture 12 [Posted 06.04.2021 9.42PM]
Lecture 13 [Posted 08.04.2021 12.15PM]
Lecture 14 [Posted 12.04.2021 9.35AM]
Lecture 15 [Posted 12.04.2021 4.26PM]
Lecture 16 [Posted 13.04.2021 4.04PM]
Lecture 17 [Posted 19.04.2021 9.39AM]
Lecture 18 [Posted 19.04.2021 3.46PM]
Lecture 19 [Posted 22.04.2021 12.39PM]
Lecture 20 [Posted 29.04.2021 1.53PM]
Lecture 21 [Posted 30.04.2021 3.37PM]
Lecture 22 [Posted 03.05.2021 9.11AM]
Lecture 23 [Posted 03.05.2021 3.49PM]
Lecture 24 (Part 1) [Posted 04.05.2021 3.20PM]
Lecture 24 (Part 2) [Posted 04.05.2021 3.21PM]
Lecture 25 [Posted 06.05.2021 12.22PM]
Lecture 26 [Posted 08.05.2021 12.26PM]
Lecture 27 (Part 1) [Posted 22.05.2021 7.39PM]
Lecture 28 (Part 2) [Posted 22.05.2021 7.39PM]
Lecture 29 (DDT2A) [Posted 24.05.2021 9.03PM]
Lecture 30 (DDT2D) [POsted 24.05.2021 4.41PM]
Lecture 31 (DDT2D) [Posted 25.05.2021 5.26PM]
Lecture 32 (DDT2A) [Posted 27.05.2021 12.27PM]
Lecture 33 (DDT2A) [Posted 31.05.2021 10.03AM]
Lecture 34 (DDT2D) [Posted 31.05.2021 4.19PM]
Lecture 35 (DDT2D) [Posted 01.06.2021 2.11PM]
Lecture 36 (DDT2A) [Posted 03.06.2021 12.38PM]
Lecture 37 (DDT2D) [Posted 08.06.2021 5.10PM]
Lecture 38 (DDT2A) [Posted 10.06.2021 12.53PM]
- Plagiarism Declaration Form [Posted 22.04.2021 9.56AM]
- Senarai Kehadiran DDT2A | DDT2D [Updated on 12.03.21 12.44PM]
Course Outline [Updated 29.03.2021 7.20AM]
Weekly Schedule and Assessment Info [Updated 29.03.2020 7.21AM]
End of Chapter 1 [Posted 25.03.2021 7.13AM]| Salinan Pelajar [Posted 28.03.2021 5.23PM]
EOC1 Discussion [Posted 2903.2021 9.42AM]
Answer-EOC1 {Posted 30.04.2021 9.57PM]
End of Chapter 2 [Posted 27.05.2021 9.55PM]| Salinan Pelajar [Posted 10.06.2021 10.07PM]
EOC2 Question 1 Discussion [Posted 10.06.2021 10.35PM]
EOC2 Question 2 Discussion [Posted 10.06.2021 10.45PM]
EOC2 Question 3 Discussion [Posted 10.06.2021 10.54PM]
End of Chapter 3 | Salinan Pelajar [POsted 14.06.2021 10.21PM]
EOC3 Discussion [Posted 14.06.2021 10.42PM]
Quiz 1 | Salinan Pelajar [Posted 13.05.2021 10.08AM]
Quiz 1 Discussion [Posted 22.05.2021 7.34PM]
Answer-Quiz 1 [Posted 22.05.2021 7.36PM]
Quiz 2 | Salinan Pelajar [Posted 11.06.2021 4.30PM]
Quiz 2 Question 2 Discussion [Posted 11.06.2021 5.05PM]
Quiz 3 | Salinan Pelajar [Posted 15.06.2021 9.01PM]
Quiz 3 Discussion [Posted 15.06.2021 9.13PM]
Test | Salinan Pelajar [Posted 07.05.2021 10.15PM]
Test Discussion [Posted 08.05.2021 9.56PM]
Test (Replacement) [Posted 16.05.2021]
Case Study | The Best Demonstrator - Joycelyn Ang Qiu Yi (DDT2A), Elissha Niny Essau (DDT2D) | The Most Interactive Presentation - Raynold Anak Kabai (DDT2A), Mayleen Aren Maxwell (DDT2D) | The Best Vocal - Ahmad Fakhrurizzudin Ahmad Fairuz (DDT2A), Ahmad Izzat Immil Ahmad Rushdan (DDT2D)